
  • Dedicated security IT team for continuous supervision

  • Accountable and reliable workforce

  • Skilled and knowledgeable professionals

  • Accounting Software specialists

accounting software specialist
zero paperwork processing


  • Background and reference check before employee hiring

  • Deep consideration of client policies

  • 0 paperwork processing


  • No USB and data transfer

  • 24×7 CCTV surveillance

  • Access on key card only

  • No mobile zone

  • Full digital operating

  • Limited internet access

  • Restricted social media and E-commerce websites

  • No personal email access

  • Multi-layer authentication

  • Strong firewalls and 256-bit SSL encryption

  • Process-defined access for file download and access

  • Server access on concern basis

  • Monitored instant messaging and emailing


Technological expertise

The Lints Advisor accounting firm has highly qualified and skilled professionals providing extremely efficient and punctual services based on the client requirement with in-depth dedication.

We help enterprises cut costs & expenses, also enhancing their productivity. Today we have become one of the most renowned accounting service providers offering modern and scalable business management solutions for the smooth operations and on-cloud financial business processing.

Software we use.

quickbooks certified proadvisor

Great benefits from Lints advisors.

  • Core focus on only accounting and tax related services, no other outsourced service provided other than in the fields of Accounting and finances.

  • Approach to work only with CPA’s, CA’s, Accounting and tax firms.

  • Company founded and led by CA’s with wide experience of Accounting and taxations.

  • Structured and organized culture with a fixed team accountants allocated to a particular clients.

  • Single point of communication with clients and only with the pre-assigned team leads who are CA’s.

  • In-house team of I.T for data security, network security and data integrity.

Other Accountancy Agencies

  • Provides outsourcing of accounting services as supplementary with core focus on service of web development, IT software’s, engineering designs, building models etc.

  • Works for directly for end clients i.e the small businesses, this approach creates competition for the CPA and accounting firms locally.

  • Other outsourcing companies although have CA’s on the payroll but founder and leader of company has no vision of finance and accounting.

  • Pure BPO companies once gaining clients, assigns the task to multiple team of accountants with no transparency on who is working for who.

  • No clarity on point of communication, with lack of transparency of assigned team, communication is done by different person depending on availability.

  • Data security team may not be present at office premises and is usually outsourced.

Get a personal consultation.